
Epsilon Italia srl is an independent SME established in 1996 in Mendicino (IT).
The company provides the end users with innovative and technologically advanced solutions in the geospatial domain (GIS, WEBGIS, SDIs - Spatial Data Infrastructures, Satellite Remote Sensing - marine and terrestrial applications, GI Standards).
Since the entry into force of the European INSPIRE Directive EC/02/2007, the company has been providing professional technical services related to the implementation of the legally binding requirements of the Directive.
Support is given for the overall INSPIRE harmonisation process:  from transformation and validation of heterogeneous source data and metadata to the publication of Network Services for INSPIRE datasets.
Epsilon Italia offers technical support and vocational training to Public Administrations and to private entities in these fields, and it’s also deeply involved in Research & Development activities, carried out either on its own or in partnership with national and international Universities and Research Centres.
Many are the projects co-funded by the European Commission under different programs (FP7, ICT-PSP, LIFE, Leonardo) in which it was/is responsible of work packages and tasks related to INSPIRE implementations.
It is member of the OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium.
It is also actively involved in dissemination and exploitation activities toward the GeoICT companies, capitalizing the experience gained in leading the FP7 Coordination and Support Action smeSpire.

Epsilon Italia benefits from State aids and “de Minimis” aids that are published in the Italian “Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato”. They can be found at the link: https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx

The team